Saturday, November 15, 2014

                                      Why a robot has not to fall from top of a table.

1)Object:not to fall

2)Emotion:falling is negative means negative entropic.

Descision to make out this.
1)Crude one:Let the robot have the experience to fall from the top of the table by recording itself the "shocks" parameter,initial state and final state.

2)By acttually not experiencing but precalculation.Precalulation means not fully avoiding the experience but using complex exponential factors.This factor does have complex links with many other factors like shocks in relation with distance of depth which in turn relates to self parametic factors(strenght of it parts,i.e like robot's leg).

Simply speaking,robot does decides not to jump down because it has complete assesment of itself and imply it with relation to the new factor,in this case the depth.Taking an analogy with human.A person will not jump from a height which is high enough that will not support his strenght but break the legs.Not that the individual has experience of jumping down from deadly height but incremental pre-assessment of shocks.For a human,whole assesment is symbolized by emotion of pain he will face.But for the robot its straight piece of information that it tries to churn out conclusion.

As mention,external influence tries to create scenerios in question.Human will jump provided he gets certain supports,Say a parachuts.But the robot its not ready to do so.Its because it tries to draw conclusion from specific factors.To solve it has to have aware of what the parachut is.In same way it asses itself in relation to the parachuts and make decesion.
                              Reforming Mind (I'm interested in AI,so thought about this)
After cognitive awareness as cumulative informative data, processing of such in relative to past experience to bring reformation counts in. Creation of yardstick to best suits of the situation. Usually with high level with low level so that it does makes changes. This can be truly creative but also a analytical outcome of feeding information.
 To make artificial intelligence means ability to sense, having emotion, and defend itself and with above para conclusion-creative and ability to reform.
   Random but Self illuminating thought that came up while thinking about something.

Action is materialized by pattern of recylcing preconcieved model of templates.

These templates are built up and reinforced at regular cycle.Mechanism itself is self sustaining and motivating.

                            Tuesday, October 14, ?2014,4:34:04 AM

Descision making is one the main goal in making man different from other lower hiearchy biengs.

How we decide and what influences our dicision is main focus for intelligence.

A piece of data or information is analysed and used as chennal to conclude and decision is important.

Example:A person picks up an apple.Whether he is going to keep it or going to just eat is matter of crucial discion making which will based of truely uniquely personal pattern that run in that individual.

This concludes one more important corrorary example is if a robot is going to pick an apple it will decide based on realtime information but not on patterns of perceptions.

To make the robot intelligent,definition of the apple(dimension,physical propeties,uses) as a input will solve half of the problem but descision will be based two thing:for oneself or for specific goal.

Now,questions arises what type of robot to make?

Prgrammed or Self learning one!

Programmed robot will do specific piece of work based on speficic piece of information.Where as self learning robot need not reprogrammed for changing situation.It does work based on DECISION.

Conclusion:Robot need to decide but needs experience but in the form of information.Where decision is controlled by self motivation or specific goal.

Once more,an example:Creating couple of scenerios where robot experiencing varied stimuli.

1)It steps on an oridinary stone.It does not respond but skips the stone.Why?
2)It stop and keep the stone with.Why?
3)It destroy the stone.Why?

Suppose,it is told to find a specific stone and destroy it.What this robot requires is to find a stone based on piece of information,skipping rest of the stone if preconcieved pattern does not matches.And eventually destroy atlast.

This is rudimentary point that the robot does but there are still questions of External influence that robot has to deal with.

External influence could be in the form of interference like someone trying to prevent the robot from achieving the goal.How it reacts then?Would it leave the stone?Or negotiate or Fight outright?or Any other?But how it made up the decision?

Suppose,the robot is little cautious it tries to leave but it turn back to reconsider whether to leave and not to leave.It tries to negotiate with non physical means but got out of control and fights back.

This proposition is about EMOTIONS.Conlusion is that to defend itself it has to have emotion!

Hence,self learning robot will have object oriented and emotions to to decide realtime scenerios.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


We still dream.I know its difficult but there is something that I can see clearly.I need to cry,love and even sheds blood!I know I can.I will long for.It's hidden inside.Hey Kangleipak!I have just started to understand you.